Rosition VIP Guests

VIP Guests

VIP Guests

Who can become a guest guest guest

VIP Guest is " CCBD"forindustry suppliers, high-quality buyers of various channels to build high-level communication, promote trade, share the latest industry information of the high-end elite platform. Here, you can first-time with domestic and foreign favorite exhibitors face-to-face exchanges, you can also participate in our industry forums, social events, enjoy the VIP high-end treatment.

Who can be a VIP guest?

If you are from the well-known building materials home industry enterprisessenior managers
if you are from
the well-known building materials home industry distributor / traders

If you are a manager and purchasing person in chargeof a real estate developmentbusiness/decoration company

If you are a purchasing decision maker from an e-commerce/commercial/department store/business super

And the position is: Chairman, General Manager, Purchasing Director/Manager, Executive Director/Manager, Marketing/Marketing Director.

Join the VIP Guest for the bestof all

Exhibitors new products rob the prophet

Our team will regularly provide you with the new product news, the latest industry information, so that you can understand the industry's new trends and new developments in the first time.

Trade Pairing Program

Business pairing services (in the ongoing service)

Our team will be the first time to understand your procurement needs, before the exhibition by mail to provide the contact exhibitor information, the exhibition for you to meet the interested exhibitors, improve your exhibition efficiency, maximize your exhibition benefits

Business Pairing Program

What is a business pairing?

Specially set up VIPGuestVIP Business Matching Service team, the first time to understand your visit needs, before the exhibition through the form of mail to provide the counterpart exhibitor information, the exhibition for you to meet the interested exhibitors, improve your exhibition efficiency, maximize your exhibition benefits!

Business Pairing Inspires Beautiful Gifts

VIP Special GuestVIPBusiness Matching Gift: Where I bring vip special guestVIP visit card and my business card one toVIPSpecial invitationVIPReceive one in the lounge!

Enjoy  VIP Special GuestLounge

Vip Guest Lounge is open only to VIP Guest Guests only, exclusive lying to suppliers, old friends and enjoy free refreshments.

Quick entry without queues, free business package

Business package includes: exhibition cd-ROM, visit guide, beautiful gifts, live forums and event schedules to make your visit faster and more efficient.

Enrich edi-on activities free of charge priority participation

Exhibition site contemporaneous forums, seminars do not need to be booked, you can enjoy the host to provide you with reserved space,VIPSpecial GuestVIP team will be held at the exhibition site, to provide you with the opportunity to meet with more quality suppliers For high-end procurement needs to create a "business negotiation area" will be the exhibitors of a network, without any restrictions can be inside to visit.

How to become a VIP guest of the " CCBD"

If your company has a purchasing plan and you have purchasing influence, complete the submission of the purchase plan form.

VIP GuestPremierBusiness Matching Services team will call you within 2 business days to respond and communicate with you specific purchases.

Successfully became the " CCBD" VIPGuest.


Sign-up Contact: 028-67936051Ms. Zhang
